Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Did you think i was fucking stupid

I am not the prettiest female walking around, but damn why do niggas think that i am fucking stupid. Yes we have had sex, but dont think that just becuase we have had sex more then 2 or three times that you little kid games are going to work on me. I hate niggas that feel as though they have to lie and play in order to get a female. I dont know about any other female but i think NO, a matter a fact i know that i am real and i will tell you what you need to hear and not what you want to hear. i will be the lady in the streets and the freak in the sheets. i have a good head on my shoulder, i go after what i want and let nothing or no one stop me. But istead of that niggas want the hoes in the street and in the sheets. I will never understand. And dont get it twisted this is not becuase i think i need a male in my life becuase i dont i really dont, but i am just tired of niggas thinking they can lie and it will be ok in my book, becuase i sorry it will not be at all. I thought i wanted a relationship with a male, but after he lied and fucked a ho i no longer seen him as a male i wanted in my life. Yes like the ass i am i still talked to him as a friend, and not i feel like the ass and i dont like that feeling. I just need to get this out.

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