Wednesday, March 24, 2010

good to bad in 60sec

The day started out ok, woke up with a smile on my face, came to school on time,went to class, and played outside with the rest of the losers i go to school with. so It then comes down to things starting to go on. brittany from the softball team lost her phone and i had it so i had to get in connect with her which was no issue cuzx i would want someone to do that for me. Then i was on the phone with my mother and she asked about nette, and i told her ididnt kno where she was ad i dont care, and as soon as isaid that i seen her, of course my mther told me to speak but im not going to,becuase she wasnt a real friend to me and i refuse to say anything to a fake ass person. Then of course i see who else Jasmine the (light skin want a bee) she of course pretended like she didnt see me and of course my stupid ass lughed becuase i just dont care anymore about anything. Now we come to why i just got upset. Im in the lab, doing my work for class and the damn comp decideds it wants to put in my work and save it, and now i had to start over 3 times and i refuse to do anymore today, i will do it all tomorrow. Now other then that my day has been good. it is a nice day outside and i feel great. Oh before i forget, Dominique brought me jeans and i hope they fit cuz im wearing them tomorrow if they do. No lets start with my emotions for today, i feel as though people are getting bigger or tryin to get bigger then what ther really are, and they need to chill the fuck out for real, Just becuase a nigga fucks you once or twice dont mean that he want to be ur man, and just cuz u think im fucking him dont mean u need to start looking at me fuckin sideways. And to the niggas please pull ur fuckin pants up and stop thinkin that all females want to fuck you, here is a NEWS FLASH we dont.

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