Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ha Ha Ha

What can life bring me? The question i was stupid enough to ask my self or some strange reason. Over the course of one week i have moved with Tiffany (Rent Free) (real friend), seen MS.Smith Cousin at target and got told by my ex, that basically he lied to me and he is not shit. So Again I have asked my self a question that i really didnt want to know the answers to, but yet and still i found out the hard way. I would be a fool to say that i didnt have people in my life i could not count on, becuase that is not tru. Yes it is not the many but they when they do help, you would think it was more then just the few i call family. Lets start at home my mother. She is what people would call the love you and kill you type. She dont play no games and will love you while she is telling you about your self. My mother goes above for me she makes sure i have food and money even when she dont. What more can i ask for from a mother. The we have Amber she has been my friend since 10th grade, yes we have had our disagreements about stuid things but i would not tride her for the world. She helps me when she cant help her self, when im down i can call on her becuase she not only will listen, but tell me im stupid if need be. Now lets come to NC, Erica my ride or die friend, she is my amber in NC no matter what i need, time of the day i know i can call on her and she is right there. Paige a friend that came in a form i would have never guessed, to be young she acts more grown then alot of people i know, and knows how to carry her self no matter the situation. Liesha she is the "bitch" friend, now dont take that the wrong way, she is also a ride or die friend, but she is a friend you can call on for certain things, like all my friends and of course i cant forget thomas, he is my friend that should have been my brother but came as mt best friend i can tell him EVERYTHING things i cant tell my females bestfriends i know i can tell him and he will tell me what he thinks and could care less if he hurts my feelings. i know i can call on eachof them for different reasons, and thats why i love them. There is alot of people that i didnt include in that section, and it is not becuase im being a bitch but becuase i just dont look at you as a person that i can call a friend. I cant call you a friend if i dont really bang with you like that, or you have shitted on me in situations where you needed to stand up and be a friend. Now i do have some people inmy life that are not as close to me, but will be there when they can. Aleix (mini woman) Jasmine(Ms. Doren). Jeremy (alchy) Tiffany (but she has entered the friend zone) Kita ( there when i need her to talk about things im goign thru) rita( good friend just to talk to about life). But if i was to damn people that had made my shit list i would be writing for days. No i dont hold grudges but i do know who i can and cant depand on for anything,(not even air). This year even though it is not over has taught me so much about the real world that being scared to enter it will never happend to me, becuase looking at it i was thrown into it. Dont get me wrong i would not change anything, becuase it is my downs that will make sure i stay up in my goals, and dreams for my life. All the people that wish nothing but bad look on me i want to THANK YOU becuase of you i know i will and can do my best to shut you up. So to the pass week i have had all i can say is HA HA HA. may life bring me more challenges that i will face with a smile.

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