Friday, April 2, 2010

Losing my mind

I am a 22 year old female with no job, limited of friends, and i am sitting in the house talking to a damn cat. Why your asking becuase there is nothing else for me to do with my life. I dont have anyone i can call and say hey lets go out, or het come over so we can just chill. I dont have any of that and everyday i wake up i get reminded of how my life has turned out to be. When i was young (2-3) i never thought my life would be this at the age of 22. I always kept saying to my mother i could not wait to be 21 becuase i am going to go out everyweekend and be an adult. LMAO look at me now im sitting in the house writing a fucking blog becuase i cant call no one and really explain the thoughts that go through my mind every single day. I dont even know why i write a blog, WHO THE FUCK READS THIS no damn body and yet and still i write. Some times i sit alone and cry and no one knows that. I put a smile on my face ecerytime someone looks at me just becuase i dont want no body to ask me whats wrong. You would think i was depressed, or going thru a semi mid life crisis, but im not im still in school i have some where to love and food in my stomach and yet and still a piece of me is still not happy. And i know if a couple of people were to read this they would be happy becuase they have great lives, money thats coming out of her ass, a family that will bitch and still give her what she wants, and other people that look at me and wish i would go away and never be seen or heard from again. Im not stupid i know people cant stand me and to be honest i dont care, becuase they more you wish death on me the more i seem to be getting blessed. So like i have been saying for days, Im losing my mind, and no one i can turn to.

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