Thursday, April 22, 2010


I havent been writtin in a while becuase, my computer died on me and my cell phone stop working. And all this happend within a week span, talk about shyty days. Even though i want to just stop and give up i know i cant,not just becuase i dont want to be looked at as a fauliue but becuase my mother will not allow me to just give up. And then we have living conditions. Dont get me wrong i love where i am right now and its SO MUCH BETTER THEN JASMINE why its clean and i like the people im with but if i dont hurry up and find a job i will be saying hello to maryland, my room, and people i dont want to see. Some times i dont undersrtand why life will always thru you a curb ball and ten do nuthin to help you out the fire it has just made for you. When i look at life sometimes i think it is nothing but a enemy that will stop at nothig until your gone and it can move on to the next one. I cant say i would not wish this on someone but in reality is is already happendin to other people. yes shyt is just going wrong and i need MONEY out the ass and cant tell you where im going to get it from hell i cant tell u the next time i will see food but i dont kno i be damn if life gets me to a point where i can no longer cont. I know there is something out there more for me and right now i cant see what that is but i know that as long as i keep trying i will over come anything that is put in my path. The we have people just not talking to me no more becuase of an assupmtion that was made by them. it is not my fault that you think something and dont have the common since to see if its true or not. But i will not let that get to me either if we were meant to be friends then we would be but it wasnt in the plans for neither one of us to keep the friendship. I will not say anything bad about you becuase i cant i jsut wish you well in all the things u try to do for your self. But on a lighter note with me not having a phone you know who your TRUE freidns are.becuase they will try anything to get in contact with you, but watch when my phone get back on everybody and there mother will be textin me and callin me. Fake peole make me sick and im glad to be getting all the FAKE people out of my life.

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