Friday, April 9, 2010

Wishful thinking

The last time i blogged i thought i wanted me and my ex to try things again becuase i never loved someone they way i love him. But after this conversation i relaized that he has not grown up at all. He is still the lil boy i broke up with two years ago. After he got out he was suppose to call me and of course he didnt. so i called him and he out and with his other child. I thought i could deal with that and after hearing him say it i cant. i told him i would not leave him and stop talking to him but i dont think i can keep that promise i made to him. when me and him were together i had to push a lil pieace of me aside becuase i found out he had a child and i had to deal with a stupid ass female. And i had always told my self i wasnt ever going to go thru that again. Not saying that this female will bring this drama but i dont want to stay around and hope it dosent happend. Im not going to sit here and say that i can be open minded again but i dont think i can i am a young female that is working towards something. And i like to spend time with the male i call my man, and if i be with him i know i will not get the attention that i want. I know that sounds lil kiddisha of me but hey its the way i feel.

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